Info Center

For Players:

For Parents:

For alumni:

Questions or Concerns?

Team Communications Email List

Who should sign up for this list?

This form is used to sign up for our email announcement list intended for parents or guardians of current players only.

If you are a parent or guardian of a player on the team, please take a moment to fill out the registration form below yourself and your player(s).

By submitting this form you will receive periodic updates from the coaching staff and supporting volunteers during the season.

If you are not a parent or guardian, but still want email updates about the team, stay tuned. We’re getting that ready to go later this spring. Following us on Twitter is also a great way to stay up to date!

Am I already registered? How do I update my information?

If you are not sure if you are registered, or have updates to your information, please fill out the form again.

Any new information you provide will be updated in our system automatically.

Can I register more than one email at a time?

Unfortunately, no. If any parent or guardian has a different email address they need to register it separately.

You can share a link to this page with other parents and guardians to register themselves.

I have a question! Help!

If you have any questions or comments please contact us via email at

I’m ready! Sign me up for team communications.

Parent Email Signup - Team List

Alumni Email List

Who should sign up for this list?

This form is used to sign up for our email announcement list intended for alumni and past players.

By submitting this form you will receive periodic updates on events and games.

Am I already registered? How do I update my information?

If you are not sure if you are registered, or have updates to your information, please fill out the form again.

Any new information you provide will be updated in our system automatically.

Can I register more than one email at a time?

Unfortunately, no. If any registrant has a different email address they need to register it separately.

You can share a link to this page with other alumni to register themselves.

I have a question! Help!

If you have any questions or comments please contact us via email at

I’m ready! Sign me up as an alumni.

Alumni Email Signup

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